Detax Your Retirement & Increase Your Retirement Income
Welcome to the Online Website devoted to the Selling of Indexed Universal Life a New Generation Life Insurance product that when structured properly can provide Permanent Life Insurance, that includes both Chronic Illness and Critical Illness for Personal Risk Management in most states. It can also safely provide Tax Free access to accumulated capital for emergency or personal use for any reason and can also provide Supplemental Tax Free Retirement Income!
Leveraging the Tax Advantaged Benefits of properly structured Indexed Life Insurance Policy can increase your Spendable Retirement Income by 25% to 40% or more with no added cost to you!
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The Scenarios are intended to present only an overview of one aspect of certain financial planning advantages and alternatives and to serve as a reference for further discussion with qualified legal counsel, accountants and professional advisors.
Information, illustrations, calculations and assumptions contained in the Scenarios are for information purposes only and will change based on different assumptions and laws and are not guaranteed. Financial Scenarios LLC does not represent, warrant or guarantee financial or retirement planning performance or results that may be illustrated through use of the Scenarios, nor does it represent, warrant, or guarantee that analysis of past financial performance can predict or is any indication of future financial performance.
The Scenarios do not recommend any particular asset allocation, security or investment method nor does the Scenario provide customized tax, legal or investment advice or strategies. Rates of return and calculations are for illustration purposes only and do not represent any specific investment results. Before taking any action, you should seek the advice of qualified legal counsel, accountants and professional advisors.